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Term plan in a sentence

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Sentence count:22+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2023-08-14Updated:2023-08-14
Similar words: long-term plangerm plasmterm paperterm policyimplantswamplandimplantedcomplex plane
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1. The committee mapped out a long - term plan.
2. Old worker drift along, without long - term plan.
3. Any long - term plan in your mind?
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
4. Formulate a long - term plan to develop productivity.
5. Ghostcrawler : We have a long - term plan add the ghoul voices back.
6. We need to come up with long term plan for the operation of the Dong site.
7. So the prince devised a clever long - term plan.
8. That was a long - term plan for Chelsea being successful on the field.
9. What is the long term plan for the old town?
10. The term plan changes, I think it changes every season.
11. Is this your long - term plan, for me to run interference?
12. Officials need tents and a long - term plan for the stream of refugees.
13. This will not do, so we must think of a long - term plan.
14. Worries will soon appear if one gives no thought to a long - term plan.
15. They helped us to map out a long - term plan.
16. But, lack own brand and ego market, be not long - term plan.
17. Moreover, property company itself some jobholder's ideology some lags, does not have the long term plan, to market economy understanding insufficiency.
18. The result can instruct mine's long, mid and short term plan and production.
19. Pointing at a sketch map, he explained the long - term plan to the visitors.
20. AEM recently completed the development of a long - term plan.
21. What do you think is the fundamental solution to these problems and the long - term plan?
22. Ian: Good, this is sounding more and more like a long - term plan.
More similar words: long-term plangerm plasmterm paperterm policyimplantswamplandimplantedcomplex planecomplanationsampling planimplantationdental implantbreast implantreimplantationimplementation planthermal power plantplanterplanning permissionslang termin plain termsterms of employmentinterplantmaster planplanimeterouter planetwater plantcounterplanemployee stock ownership plantransplanterlong-term unemployment
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  • MBWUpmEH 2023-09-24 13:37:23
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